
Comprising a society of the world’s foremost technologists, futurists, and entrepreneurs, Abundant World is a social enterprise (organized as a Public Benefit Corporation) dedicated to transforming global grand challenges into massive opportunities in areas of tremendous human consequence.


We are working alongside, and collaborating with, hundreds of global thought leaders, futurists, scientists, technologists, educators, artists, and economists to envision, frame, and actualize a future of abundance for all who desire it via the holistic integration of science, technology, media, education, entrepreneurship, and the arts. By bringing each of these vectors together into coherent focus, we can bring to bear the very best of human capacity to create an amazing world of unlimited human flourishing.


Further enabled by a sophisticated AI-driven innovation platform, we imagineer a better future by connecting the dots looking forward.


Discover Epicenter: The Pulse of Technological Transformation

Epicenter is your guide to the seismic shifts redefining technology. From disruptive AI breakthroughs like DeepSeek to next-gen data centers revolutionizing computing, we uncover hidden fault lines, analyze industry aftershocks, and equip you with strategic foresight. Stay ahead of rapid change, harness innovation, and shape the future. Download the inaugural issue now and lead the conversation.

Categories: Journals|

On Becoming An Awe Junkie To see the world differently we need to, well, see the world differently!

If we can experience such a thing from our Earth-bound perspective, imagine the crew of Apollo 8 gazing upon the Earth from space—“hanging in the void.” They, and other astronauts since, routinely report an ineffable yet visceral cognitive shift in awareness that has come to be called the “overview effect”—an overwhelming sense of awe over both the fragility and the unity of life on our little planet.

Categories: Inspiration|

VIDEO: The Caltech Sessions In Conversation with Carver Mead and George Gilder

Join Abundant World Institute executive director John Schroeter in a wide-ranging conversation with Carver Mead and George Gilder—two of the most gifted thinkers of our time—on innovation, the economics of abundance, the history of technology, entrepreneurship, creative possibility, surprise as information, and much more.

Categories: Conversations|Tags: , |

Sustainability’s Fatal Flaw Should We Consume less or Create More?

Somehow, we have become convinced that sustainability is the answer to responsibly managing our dwindling resources—after all, it’s just common sense, right?—when in reality, it actually constitutes our greatest peril. By far. Far more than the possibility of climatic disruption, job-killing robots, or even nukes. Here’s why.

Categories: Sustainability|

Boxes, Holes, and Lateral Thinking Why Imagination is more Important than Knowledge

Disruption happens when you apply software design techniques to the design of a lunar launch vehicle. Disruption happens when you apply what you learned in space to healthcare. Disruption happens when you apply what you learned in healthcare to education. These are all examples of moving laterally to very different boxes, repurposing knowledge from unrelated fields, transplanting big ideas across industries and disciplines.

Categories: Lateral Thinking|
The world's foremost futurists reflect on 50 years of Future Shock—and look ahead to the next 50. An exciting compendium of essays presents surprising and compelling views of the future.